Nutrition, exercise, meditation, stress reduction, attention to the HERE and NOW, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, health, wealth and Wholeness; these are all part of a Mindful Life. These are musings and contemplations on how to LIVE OUR BLISS!
Heal the HealthCare 11-11-2009 (in numerology this is an 11-11-11)
I am Peggy Black and this is a Call to Action. I invite you to participate as we set a powerful intention to transform the health care system. Together we will shift, heal and transform this matrix. Please network this invitation everywhere. Please watch this youtube and network this site. Thank you Live audio broadcast with Peggy on Wednesday 11-04-09 Hosted by 1:00 pm Eastern, 12:00 noon Central, 10:00 am Pacific Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Call in live: Freedawn Radio, (347) 308 - 8137 Listen to us on the web: Time: 8:00 am. PST, 9:00 am. MST, 11:00 am. EST
831-335-3145 My gratitude to my dear friend Amrita who steps up each time the "team" gives me this kind of assignment. She created the youtube from my script. She does incredible work. I appreciate who she is in the world and in my life.
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