Thursday, November 5, 2009


Heal the HealthCare 11-11-2009
(in numerology this is an 11-11-11)

I am Peggy Black and this is a Call to Action. I invite you to participate as we set a powerful intention to transform the health care system.  Together we will shift, heal and transform this matrix.  Please network this invitation everywhere. 

Please watch this youtube and network this site. Thank you

 Live audio broadcast with Peggy on Wednesday 11-04-09 
Hosted by  
1:00 pm Eastern, 12:00 noon Central, 10:00 am Pacific   

Wednesday, November 11, 2009   
Call in live: Freedawn Radio, (347) 308 - 8137  
Listen to us on the web:
Time:  8:00 am. PST,  9:00 am. MST, 11:00 am. EST


The debate continues. The division is money or well-being for the people. Everyone has a vested interest. This dilemma is locked in a stalemate. This is big business. The people do not win. Health care costs continue to rise. The costs of monthly prescriptions are outrageous. The imbalance is obvious and it is a crime. This system is beyond a dysfunction. 

How do we collectively shift this heinous health care situation?  How do we take care of those who are sick, injured and in pain? How do we invite, envision, and call forth a health care program that is supportive and beneficial for everyone?

We are not powerless.

The first and foremost aspect of this invitation is for each individual to personally own and recognize that they have the power and ability to transform this dysfunction.  This shift and transformation does not take place in the debates that are so polarized.

The true transformation takes place in the energy field, the matrix that creates all form. Everything begins with the integrity of the pure idea, held in the hearts and minds of aware individuals who envision a better world. Together our collective consciousness, our focused intention, begins to affect the physical reality. 

We are all one, all interconnected; this is about our oneness, our true compassion for others. On this auspicious day of 11:11:2009 (in numerology this is an 11-11-11) there is an energetic gateway, a portal, a power vortex for creation. We can call forth a reality that nurtures humanity. We are not powerless. We are the creators, pure and simple. 

We have the authority and privilege to call forth a better reality. On this day and future days hold the clear vision of the perfect and ideal solutions being brought forth for our health care system.

Together on 11-11-2009  

I invite you to hold your prescriptions in your hand, or go to the hospitals or medical facility in your area, or access the sacred space of your mind/heart, focus your attention on a total shift in how we care for our sick and disabled. Envision the entire medical paradigm and join others in this sacred service. Ask for assistance from Divine Source, Angels, Archangels, Masters and Celestial Beings in healing our entire health care system. 

This service of healing our health care can be done continually until it manifests. Each time you take a medication, see your doctor, or talk or read about health care, envision, intend, see and call forward the creation of a health care system available and affordable for all, which supports our families and our society, Call forth a health care that is truly designed to promote soundness of body and freedom from disease. In the realms of truth this is a reality and together we will call this forth. So be it and so it is.

© 2009 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may make copies of this message and share it with others, as long as it is copied in its entirety. Please credit the source and include the copyright.


My gratitude to my dear friend Amrita who steps up each time the "team" gives me this kind of assignment.  She created the youtube from my script. She does incredible work. I appreciate who she is in the world and in my life.

Share freely, pass this site on to others, and 
stay in your joy, gratitude, and appreciation.


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