Thursday, November 5, 2009


Heal the HealthCare 11-11-2009
(in numerology this is an 11-11-11)

I am Peggy Black and this is a Call to Action. I invite you to participate as we set a powerful intention to transform the health care system.  Together we will shift, heal and transform this matrix.  Please network this invitation everywhere. 

Please watch this youtube and network this site. Thank you

 Live audio broadcast with Peggy on Wednesday 11-04-09 
Hosted by  
1:00 pm Eastern, 12:00 noon Central, 10:00 am Pacific   

Wednesday, November 11, 2009   
Call in live: Freedawn Radio, (347) 308 - 8137  
Listen to us on the web:
Time:  8:00 am. PST,  9:00 am. MST, 11:00 am. EST


The debate continues. The division is money or well-being for the people. Everyone has a vested interest. This dilemma is locked in a stalemate. This is big business. The people do not win. Health care costs continue to rise. The costs of monthly prescriptions are outrageous. The imbalance is obvious and it is a crime. This system is beyond a dysfunction. 

How do we collectively shift this heinous health care situation?  How do we take care of those who are sick, injured and in pain? How do we invite, envision, and call forth a health care program that is supportive and beneficial for everyone?

We are not powerless.

The first and foremost aspect of this invitation is for each individual to personally own and recognize that they have the power and ability to transform this dysfunction.  This shift and transformation does not take place in the debates that are so polarized.

The true transformation takes place in the energy field, the matrix that creates all form. Everything begins with the integrity of the pure idea, held in the hearts and minds of aware individuals who envision a better world. Together our collective consciousness, our focused intention, begins to affect the physical reality. 

We are all one, all interconnected; this is about our oneness, our true compassion for others. On this auspicious day of 11:11:2009 (in numerology this is an 11-11-11) there is an energetic gateway, a portal, a power vortex for creation. We can call forth a reality that nurtures humanity. We are not powerless. We are the creators, pure and simple. 

We have the authority and privilege to call forth a better reality. On this day and future days hold the clear vision of the perfect and ideal solutions being brought forth for our health care system.

Together on 11-11-2009  

I invite you to hold your prescriptions in your hand, or go to the hospitals or medical facility in your area, or access the sacred space of your mind/heart, focus your attention on a total shift in how we care for our sick and disabled. Envision the entire medical paradigm and join others in this sacred service. Ask for assistance from Divine Source, Angels, Archangels, Masters and Celestial Beings in healing our entire health care system. 

This service of healing our health care can be done continually until it manifests. Each time you take a medication, see your doctor, or talk or read about health care, envision, intend, see and call forward the creation of a health care system available and affordable for all, which supports our families and our society, Call forth a health care that is truly designed to promote soundness of body and freedom from disease. In the realms of truth this is a reality and together we will call this forth. So be it and so it is.

© 2009 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may make copies of this message and share it with others, as long as it is copied in its entirety. Please credit the source and include the copyright.


My gratitude to my dear friend Amrita who steps up each time the "team" gives me this kind of assignment.  She created the youtube from my script. She does incredible work. I appreciate who she is in the world and in my life.

Share freely, pass this site on to others, and 
stay in your joy, gratitude, and appreciation.


Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Monday, October 5, 2009

Begin the Day with Gratitude

Another great Daily OM

Setting the Tone
Starting Your Day Well

The choices you make upon waking can have a profound impact on your day. If, still drowsy, you hit the ground running, rushing to prepare yourself to face your worldly obligations, you will likely feel fatigued and overwhelmed for most of your day. A leisurely and relaxing morning, on the other hand, can energize and excite you, as well as give you the courage to meet the challenges waiting for you. By beginning your day in a focused and centered fashion, you make it your own. You set the tone of your expectations and choose the mood you will use to respond to your circumstances. A gentle, reflective, and thoughtful morning will prepare you to create a gentle, conscious, and thoughtful day. 

The simplest way to eliminate the rush from your morning routine is to rise earlier. Getting children into routines and getting themselves ready as much as possible will also give you more time. Though this may seem like a hardship at first, you will soon grow to love the extra minutes or hours that afford you an opportunity to really enjoy watching the sun come up or connect with your loved ones before you go in your separate directions. There are many more ways you can constructively use the time you gain. A mere half-hour of introspection in which you examine your goals, thank the universe for the richness in your life, and contemplate the blessings you will receive this day can lift your spirit and help you formulate lasting positive expectations. Likewise, you can solidify your day's intention through spoken affirmations or the words you record in a journal. Or, if you want little more than to enjoy your day, devote a portion of your personal time to activities that bot! h ground and delight you, such as meditation, yoga, chanting, singing, reading, or listening to music. If you feel, however, that there is little room for change in your start-of-the-day routine, try to make each activity you engage in upon waking a ritual in its own right. The time you spend everyday savoring a soothing cup of tea or washing away tension in a hot shower can serve as a potent reminder of the need to care for yourself no matter what the hour. 

Your morning is yours and should reflect not only your practical needs but also the needs of your soul. When you center yourself at the start of your day, you will likely find it easier to remain centered during subsequent work, play, and downtime because the overall sense of serenity you create through your choices will stay with you throughout the day.

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Friday, September 11, 2009

Finally a short and honest explanation of the "public option."

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous


By Melanie Segala - Executive EditorFriday, September 11th - Issue #194

What Big Pharma Can Learn from Steve Martin

Years ago on SNL, Steve Martin did a bit on a new drug he was taking called Pla-cee-bo. 

“It’s fantastic!” he said. “Everybody should be taking it!”

 In 2003, Merck introduced a new drug called MK-869. It was designed to tinker with the nervous system to provide a feel-good effect.  In early trials the drug seemed to work great.  Company executives and investors were thrilled.

Then phase II testing was started.  The drug was tested against a control group taking only placebo.  And that’s when things fell apart.  Again, many test subjects taking MK-869 group reported reductions in anxiety.  But nearly the same number of people in the placebo group had the same positive response.   Further testing confirmed there was no difference between the experimental drug and a placebo.  MK-869 was shelved.

The case of MK-869 is far from unique.  In recent years, more drugs than ever before are being pulled from clinical trials because they can’t outperform placebos.  Even billion-dollar money makers like Prozac are failing the test. Here’s where it gets interesting.

Drug developers are now saying that it’s not that the meds are getting weaker, it’s that the placebo effect is getting stronger! 

Why this is happening, they can’t say. But they are spending millions of dollars to try to prove their ridiculous theory.

There are two lessons to be drawn from this:

  1. Big Pharma is not interested in the effectiveness of its drugs.  It’s interested in their profit potential.
  2. Placebos do work. Countless studies confirm it. They trigger the brain to release the body’s own curative effects.  This is why it is so important to treat illness holistically – with a mind body approach.

Doctors and other research scientists have been trained to believe that natural remedies don’t work. But nature tells us over and over again that they do. Trust your body first.  

The real cause of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer has been kept "hidden" by the mainstream media. But the truth will soon be out.  

But why wait?

Dr. Dwight Lundell, one of the nation’s most respected cardiac surgeons, has just published a book that pulls the covers off this long-standing conspiracy. He has identified the one common cause of all three of these mega-diseases. And he has a program to prevent them – a safe and effective program that he’s used successfully in his practice. 

In Dr. Lundell's words: "The changes my patients experienced on this program were as dramatic as open heart surgery. Only these changes were forever, as opposed to surgery’s temporary fix.   And they were very inexpensive." 

Get all the details about this life-changing program here. Click here now

The Wonder Vitamin

Speaking of how hoodwinked the medical establishment and media are, there is more news about the disease-fighting power of natural supplements. .  Researchers have now found that the B vitamin, folic acid, is one of the best things you can take for your heart and arteries.

The recently published study showed that folic acid significantly reduced blood pressure and improved blood flow to the legs.  Decreased blood flow occurs when the arteries become clogged with fatty deposits.  Test subjects were given 400 mcg per day and improvements were seen in only 16 weeks.

In previous studies, folic acid has been shown to reduce levels of the amino acid, homocysteine.  At elevated levels, homocysteine is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. 

While there are a few good natural sources of folic acid like cow’s liver, spinach and black-eyed peas, it’s difficult to get the amount you need from food only.  S A good quality supplement is your best bet to keep your heart and arteries healthy.

Tough Love Is Good Medicine

Eating toxic foods every day will sap your energy and eventually kill you. Associating with toxic people will have the same effect on your emotional well being.

That’s the thesis of Dr. Tim Reynolds, who has written a thought-provoking article on this subject in this week’s THB.  “Having toxic people in your life will deplete you of energy, fill you with doubts and damn you to a life of unfulfilled dreams.”

Dr. Reynolds has got a program for identifying the poison people in your life, getting rid of them and replacing them with great people who will help you realize your dreams.   You can read it by clicking here

Power to the Children

We’ve all seen the skyrocketing rates of childhood obesity in recent years.  While there are many theories on the cause, there haven’t been many solutions.  The numbers keep going up… and up.  But now researchers have stumbled upon what may be simple a simple way to get kids to eat what’s good for them.

Researchers from Baylor University studied two groups of obese and overweight Mexican-American children between the ages of 10 and 14.  One group was told to read food labels and keep track of all the foods they ate.  The control group did not have any nutrition intervention.

At the end of the two-year study, the group that read labels and kept track of the foods they ate showed significant weight loss compared to the control group.  They also lowered their cholesterol and improved their body mass index.  Pretty impressive I think. 

When I read this story, I was reminded of something the cooking guru, Jacques Pepin said on his show several years ago.  When he made broccoli for his young daughter, she wouldn’t eat it.  But when he let her make it herself, she would eat it all and enjoy it.

Perhaps the solution to the obesity problem is empowering children to be responsible and make healthy food choices for themselves.  After all, the best boss is you, even if you’re a kid.

Does your boss make you cringe?

Do you try and hide when you hear your boss coming? Do you dread your weekly, or daily, meetings? The daily grind is for people who don't know how easy it is to be free. Waking up whenever you want to… working on whatever you want to work on. This is the real dream… the freedom to be and do what you really want.

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Morning Messages

I received this message from a dear friend and know it should be shared. It is September 10th, 2009, so it is a day late. But the intent is relevant and the prayer is powerful. Enjoy.

These are exciting times and we have the wonderful opportunity to truly make a difference. The date 09-09-09 offers a gift, a portal, an activation and transmission of cosmic consciousness. We the collective have the opportunity to partner with the celestial realms to focus our awareness and intention for the highest and the best to unfold in our own lives and in the lives of others. This is a day to claim and own our power. To engage our magnificent heart chalice as well as our awareness to anchor and focus this energy for the good of all. This offering to "Cleanse the Currency" is only one of the many group intentions taking place around the world. My gratitude and deep love to each of you, blessings, Peggy

Below is the entire invitation, all information about the free telecasts and the Prayer to Cleanse the Currency.  Please join with me and the "team" on the telecasts if possible or in the sacred space of your heart as we do this service together.

Cleanse the Currency on 09-09-09

I am Peggy Black and this is a Call to Action, I invite you to participate, as we set a powerful intention to energetically clean all the currency and money. Together we will shift, heal and transform the matrix of the monetary system. Please network this invitation everywhere.

Live Wednesday, September 9, 2009 8:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time Call in phone number for live Freedawn Radio, (347) 308 - 8137 or listen to us on the web at:  also has info of audio broadcast
Live audio broadcast with Peggy on 09-09-09 Hosted by


We live in a sea of vibrations, everything and everyone is frequency. We are becoming aware of our true power to influence the quantum field with our words, emotions and intentions. This truth is especially powerful when we join together as a conscious collective with one common goal and one focused intention for global change.

Imagine that all currency/money carries a frequency and vibrational contamination of lack, scarcity, fear, and greed that is energetically attached to the money that we receive and use each day. Think of all the places this money has traveled and all the individuals who have touched this currency leaving an energetic trace of their emotional state and beliefs. Be very aware that you bring this contaminated energy into your wallets and your life. You have the opportunity to use your power of intention to energetically clean and clear all the money that comes into your life with every monetary transaction.

Together on 09-09-09 I invite you to go to your bank or financial institution, or in the sacred space of your mind/heart and with earnest intention offer this service to the quantum field. Envision yourself connected to Divine Source, the money matrix and all others doing this sacred service. When at the bank or in your imagination invite Angels, Archangels, Masters and Celestial Beings to assist in this process of clearing the currency/money of all energetic discordance, so that the currency/money now goes out blessing everyone and everything it touches. Imagine the shift in the monetary system when you join with other conscious, enlightened beings offering this transforming service to humanity in a 24-hour period.

This service of cleaning/clearing the currency can be done anytime and any place as often as possible. As you hold money in your hand and envision its connection to the entire matrix, energetically clean it and bless it with gratitude. Do this service each day. This transforming process include all aspects of your personal financial matrix, the money you earn, spend, save, and the money you owe. Be creative with your magnificence and power as to how you cleanse the currency and your financial matrix. Together we will create a world of shared abundance.

Prayer to Cleanse the Currency  

I call upon the beloved I AM, the All That Is the Divine Source, Angels, Archangels and the Celestial Realms of Love and Light to support and assist this process.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve with others as we unite to transform the matrix of our financial reality as we cleanse and clear all currency of any energetic discordance.

With clear intention I envision the currency and money being energetically cleansed. I envision this currency now going out blessing everyone and everything it touches.  

I envision the power of the Pure White Light and the Violet Flame of Transmutation, moving through all banks and financial institutions uplifting and cleansing the entire monetary reality of the world. With this action of sacred service I join with others to transmute anything unlike the highest and the best financial well-being for all. 

I allow this transforming process to include all aspects of my personal financial reality, the money that I earn, spend, save and the money I owe. All my financial beliefs and transactions are blessed and uplifted.  

It is with gratitude that I now accept the Divine blessings of abundance of in my life and in the lives of the global family. Abundance of prosperity, health, peace, joy and financial grace I now accept for myself and all humanity.   So Be It and So it is

Peggy Black and
The "We Are Here" Team of Morning Messages
You may make copies of this prayer and distribute. Please make no changes and credit the source.

Blessings to you, Peggy 
Transducer, Scribe and Witness

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Healing Energy

Here is another jewel from Daily Om:

August 13, 2009
Digging Deep for Healing
Rooting Down

For many people, apprehension manifests itself in the physical self as a potent feeling of heaviness or nausea situated in the depths of the lower abdomen. And it is there, at the seat of the second or sacral chakra, that we must lovingly and deliberately confront the anxiety. By rooting down into the deepest physical reaches of ourselves, we can cleanse ourselves of unease and replenish the space it has left behind with tranquil awareness. Much of what we encounter in our daily lives has the potential to awaken feelings of nervousness within us or make us question whether we are truly in control of our lives. When you establish a den of peace within your core, you empower yourself to act rather than react in distressing situations. Your balanced second chakra helps you respond productively to the turmoil around you while your inwardly directed attention steadies you. 

There are many ways to restore your strength and clear negative energy from your core. To ground yourself and regain your emotional equilibrium, concentrate on the second chakra, picturing it as a funnel of vivid orange light. Reach down toward that light with your awareness and channel your breath into the space it occupies. As you balance the chakra, you will become more adaptive and thus better able to stand strong when faced with rapidly changing conditions. You can channel healing energy into your core by visualizing the area below your belly button as an open space into which you channel white, loving light. Like light and air, sound can be a wonderful tool that helps you find your center. Your voice, when drawn from your core in the form of a deep roar or loud shout, can be the vehicle upon which your anxiety is conveyed into the ether. Take a low stance, much like a football player, root your feet into the earth, and then roar like a lion. Really feel it in your bell! y. It may sound silly, but chances are you will feel much less anxious and much more grounded into your body. 

A situation that seems hopeless when viewed from a perspective colored by fear may become easily manageable when approached with a serene heart and mind. As you root down into your core, you’ll discover that the trepidation and helplessness you feel within you is not invincible. Rather, it will respond readily to your efforts to eradicate it, leaving you feeling peaceful and capable of calmly handling any challenging circumstances that arise.

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Divine Love

God is Dog is God is Dog...

oh this is so divine!  god is dog is god is dog

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Friday, August 28, 2009

Diet Soda - No Good No Way

Diet Soda Makes You Fat?

Avoid sodas… even if they are diet.

Sodas will make you fat. And they lead to other health problems. That “innocent” low-cal diet soda is really danger in a can.

A published study tracked the diets of men and women for nine years. Those who drank just one can of diet soda a day increased their risk of metabolic syndrome by 34%.  Metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms that lead to diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases like cancer.

Just one can of diet soda a day puts you at almost a 10% higher risk of metabolic syndrome than eating a diet of fried foods! And regular soda isn’t any better. Another study found that it’s also associated metabolic syndrome.

The average American drinks an estimated 56 gallons of soft drinkseach year.  No wonder over 50 million Americans have metabolic syndrome!

Instead of soft drinks, drink spring water or purified water. For a little added flavor, add fresh orange or lemon slices… even raspberries. You can even try a splash of natural fruit juice.  For a change of pace, try iced tea or lemonade. If you like a little sweetness, add a touch of stevia — a natural calorie-free sweetener that you can find in any health food store.

From Total Health BreakThroughs

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A Daily Om

Going through the Opening
Contracting before Expanding

Sometimes our lives contract before they expand. We may be working hard on ourselves spiritually, doing good in the world, following our dreams, and wondering why we are still facing constrictions of all kinds—financial, emotional, physical. Perhaps we even feel as if we’ve lost our spirituality and are stuck in a dark room with no windows. We may be confused and discouraged by what appears to be a lack of progress. But sometimes this is the way things work. Like a caterpillar that confines itself to a tiny cocoon before it grows wings and flies, we are experiencing the darkness before the dawn. 

When things feel tight, it’s easy to panic or want to act in some way to ease the feeling of constriction. We might also spin our wheels mentally, trying to understand why things are the way they are. However, there is nothing we need to do at this time other than to be patient and persevering. We can cling to the awareness that we are processing the shift from one stage to another, and the more we surrender to the experience, the more quickly we will move through the tightness into the opening on the other side. Just like a baby making its way down the birth canal, we may feel squeezed and pushed and very uncomfortable, but if we remember that we are on our way to being born into a new reality, we will find the strength to carry on. 

Even as we endure the contractions, we can find peace within ourselves if we remember to trust the universe. We can look to the natural world for inspiration as we see that all beings surrender to the process of being born. In that surrender, and in the center of our own hearts, is a willingness to trust in the unknown as we make our way through the opening.

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Best Way to Eat Tomatoes

Eat Fat With Tomatoes to Absorb All the Nutrients

fat, fats, nutrients, lycopene, tomato, tomatoes, carotenoidsTomatoes are a good source of the antioxidants lycopene and beta-carotene. But if you eat a tomato without adding a little fat, your body is unlikely to absorb all these nutrients.

Scientists recruited graduate students to eat bowls of salad greens with tomatoes and various types of salad dressings. The researchers put IV lines into the participants' veins and drew blood samples before and after they'd eaten the salads in order to get precise measurements of the absorption of nutrients.

When researchers went back and analyzed the blood samples, they realized that people who had eaten fat-free or low-fat dressings didn't absorb the beneficial carotenoids from the salad. Only when they had eaten the oil-based dressing did they get the nutrients. Extra virgin oil with balsamic vinegar is one of the simplest and delicious dressings.

Read for many more great health tips.

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Friday, August 21, 2009

Conversations with God

I receive daily messages from Neale Donald Walsh, author of "Conversations with God" and he always has some pithy words of wisdom that apply to all of us. Here is today's:

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

....that obstacles are not opposing you, but merely and
gently re-routing you.


It is important not to view that which stands in your
way as your 'enemy.' It can often be your best friend,
sending you on a detour that takes you around what
could have been your biggest stumbling block.


Send a word of gratitude, then, for anything that seems
to be 'opposing' you now. All things in life happen for
good. Trust God about that.


Love, Your Friend....

You can sign up for these daily inspirations HERE. I'm not an affiliate, just someone who wants to share his inspirations.

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Best Training

I love many internet marketers, there are so many really interested in helping others. I'm taking a course now that really shares tremendous information and software tips from the best of the best - Ed Dale, Brad Fallon and the rest of the Stompernet team. If you haven't looked into this year's 30-day Challenge, you really should. I'm offering day 15 as one of the most important, where I learned about this site and many others. So - please do yourself a favor and get some FREE advice and training from a fabulous group of teachers. It's not too late to take advantage of the full course - just spend an hour a day and soar with the eagles!

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

New Video

I love these marketing training videos by Armand Morin. He's straight-forward and very successful. He helps thousands build their dreams through his expert advice. Take a look and get on his email list for more insider's tips.

Chances are, you've seen them.

In fact, you probably see them every day.


Over 90% of marketers are doing them wrong.

This video explains everything:


Susanna Jade

P.S  Watch this video before it gets taken
down.  It's only available for the next 48
hours so I'd recommend you click this link so
you don't miss this it:

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Check out this site I found on StumbleUpon!

StumbleUpon | Discover Your Web.
Home News Photos Videos

Transparent screens, who woulda thought!

Transparent Screens

- Susannajade

View now! >

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gratitude Daily

Here is another post from Daily Om. Always inspiring.

The emotional support and generosity you receive from the people in your life may leave you feeling blessed today. Your gratitude could be the result of a belief that there are miracles in this world and of an appreciation for the ways in which the universe works its magic in your life through the acts of generous people. Recognizing that the abundance you receive is a gift from the universe that demonstrates its love and hope for you may help you value your blessings even more. Should you feel unworthy or modest when given a gift or encouragement today, you might take some time to look more deeply into yourself. Asking yourself what qualities you have that make others want to care for you could help you realize that your presence in their life is a gift as well and that you are in fact fortunate to have each other. 

Knowing that we receive good things from the universe through the kindness of others because of our own good works allows us to be truly grateful. Instead of feeling beholden to others, once we understand that our actions are interconnected, we can recognize that our gratitude fuels others’ generosity and vice versa. Seeing the interconnectedness of giving and receiving helps us notice that the universe works through all of us to ensure that we are all taken care of. By showing appreciation for what you receive today, the universe will continue to work its magic through others and also through you.

<a target='new' href="*An4T/oU&offerid=164045.10000008&type=3&subid=0" >Click here for Attracting Genuine Abundance</a><IMG border=0 width=1 height=1 src="*An4T/oU&bids=164045.10000008&type=3&subid=0" >

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

song for peace

Remember Stand by Me? Well here is another excellent video of musicians around the world singing for peace. NO MORE WAR!


Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Daily Om

I receive the Daily Om and it's always a good read and advice for living one's creative, spiritual self. Enjoy this one.

August 13, 2009
Digging Deep for Healing
Rooting Down

For many people, apprehension manifests itself in the physical self as a potent feeling of heaviness or nausea situated in the depths of the lower abdomen. And it is there, at the seat of the second or sacral chakra, that we must lovingly and deliberately confront the anxiety. By rooting down into the deepest physical reaches of ourselves, we can cleanse ourselves of unease and replenish the space it has left behind with tranquil awareness. Much of what we encounter in our daily lives has the potential to awaken feelings of nervousness within us or make us question whether we are truly in control of our lives. When you establish a den of peace within your core, you empower yourself to act rather than react in distressing situations. Your balanced second chakra helps you respond productively to the turmoil around you while your inwardly directed attention steadies you. 

There are many ways to restore your strength and clear negative energy from your core. To ground yourself and regain your emotional equilibrium, concentrate on the second chakra, picturing it as a funnel of vivid orange light. Reach down toward that light with your awareness and channel your breath into the space it occupies. As you balance the chakra, you will become more adaptive and thus better able to stand strong when faced with rapidly changing conditions. You can channel healing energy into your core by visualizing the area below your belly button as an open space into which you channel white, loving light. Like light and air, sound can be a wonderful tool that helps you find your center. Your voice, when drawn from your core in the form of a deep roar or loud shout, can be the vehicle upon which your anxiety is conveyed into the ether. Take a low stance, much like a football player, root your feet into the earth, and then roar like a lion. Really feel it in your bell! y. It may sound silly, but chances are you will feel much less anxious and much more grounded into your body. 

A situation that seems hopeless when viewed from a perspective colored by fear may become easily manageable when approached with a serene heart and mind. As you root down into your core, you’ll discover that the trepidation and helplessness you feel within you is not invincible. Rather, it will respond readily to your efforts to eradicate it, leaving you feeling peaceful and capable of calmly handling any challenging circumstances that arise.

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Sunday, August 16, 2009

my video

I recently created a video from an old hand-drawn animation. It's cool - Enjoy!


Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Great Training

FREE Marketing Videos A New One Every 48 Hours!

Hurry you need to get in on this right now!

I just got word Armand Morin is launching some "SECRET"
project in a few weeks and his is pre-launching it
with a whole series of FREE Training Videos RIGHT NOW!

Here's the cool part...

Every 48 hours he'll be posting a new video. Yup, 
every 48 hours he's going to take down the old video
and put up the new video, so you have to watch them
as soon as possible.

Don't wait on this one. The training videos start in
a few days, make sure you watch every one.

I've seen Armand do this before and the videos were
amazing. This time he promises even more up to date
information for all us.

Remember, each video will only last 48 hours, so make
sure you get on the list early.

Prosperous Regards,
Susanna Jade

Posted via email from susannajade's posterous

Friday, May 29, 2009

Remembering Don Emblen

This is a letter I wrote to my dear friend last December 15th, 2008. I knew he was getting close to transitioning - 90 years on a body is quite the achievement. He died on April 24th from heart failure while reading.

Dear Don and Linda,

Another year has passed and we are all still alive and healthy, it appears. Don, you will be 90 next year, I think? Amazing. What is the secret to long life, my friend? You must tell us in the Rejoinder - each month another tidbit about your life and how you have lived it so well.

Michael and I are living a good life in these mountains close to Tularosa. I have many friends in that area and often think of you when I visit them. I often think of you anyway, as I rummage through all the old writings and lessons from your English classes years ago. My collection of songs, articles, stories, poems and ramblings keeps growing. Lots of fodder for a big fire one day. I’ve been writing for the internet of late. Do you have a computer yet, or still holding out? Would love to correspond via email, but I understand why you choose to stay out of cyberspace. It is addicting. I’m in it constantly, developing various sites and posting articles about this and that. So why don’t I write you more often. Dunno. Really.

I’ve had a book on my shelf for a year that I finally read. It is Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende. I love her work. It is laced with history, magic, folklore, deep insights about the human condition and heroic characters who bubble up from her spicy soup. Daughter describes the unlikely life of Eliza Sommers, adopted child of a wealthy brother and sister household where she learns to be a Lady and a great cook in the kitchen of her nanny, Mama Fresia. She grows up too fast and follows a lover to the Gold Rush mania in northern CA. We discover much about the years of insatiable greed that permeated the newly acquired American soil from a Latino viewpoint, and also Chinese, as Eliza and Tao Chi’en, her surprise companion, become very close. I thought often of where this country is today, and the institution of Greed that has corrupted every facet of government and corporate operations since America’s inception. There is a very visible line from then to now, and the collapses of today’s institutions were inevitable given the fractional reserve lending practices made legal with the Federal Reserve Banking system in 1913. I stray from the book - it is very timely reading; a historical fiction that keeps one turning the pages.

I look forward to my Rejoinders, so many snippets of wit and wonder. I appreciate the article about “to vet” and how its meaning has morphed with the times. I wonder how “guys” came to mean a group of men and women. Even the president-elect uses “guys” to describe his girls, and crowds. It still irks me to hear it used like that. I was severely reprimanded for addressing a group as “guys” when I first started waiting tables 20 years ago. It was not polite. It is so prevalent now the jabs in my side are lessening - but it just doesn’t seem right!

Do have a most wonderful Holiday Season. You are forever in my heart.

Love, Health and Happiness, Susan

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